What's in Name?

What's in Name?

After reading the About Us section, you may find yourself still wondering how in the world we started using PIBE in our everyday vernacular.  Most people do.  It all started with a 40th birthday trip to the U.S.V.I.  Once there, without kids, we found ourselves drifting from pub to restaurant, strolling the local bazaar, reserving a snorkel cruise on a whim, and simply reveling in all that St. Thomas and St. John had to offer. When anyone in our group asked what we wanted to do, the answer always seemed to be, “Let’s just play it by ear.” We shortened it to PIBE and it stuck.

On that same trip, Hurricane Fiona set her path directly toward us. After watching the Weather Channel, researching how to change our flight, and calling all airlines, there wasn’t much we could do.  We decided to make the best of a scary situation, knowing that we were probably going to be stuck after the storm made landfall. We got dressed, went to dinner, and prayed for the best – for us and the people of the U.S.V.I.  Luckily, Hurricane Fiona had other plans and turned, sparing us and any damage to the islands.  We made it safely off the island – and so did our favorite acronym – PIBE.

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